Saturday, April 25, 2009


'Tis summer here and the heat is sweltering. Sultry, humid, opressive weather which brings on rivulets of glistening sweat....
But Nature has her own cures and remedies. Come the heat waves of April, and a variety of juciy, cooling fruits make their presence felt in the markets - watermelons, grapes - and tadgolas.

Tadgola (pl: Tadgole) is the Marathi word for the fruit (edible seeds) of the toddy palm (Borassus flabellifer). The tree is pretty, and has fan shaped leaves:

The fruit is a marvel of Nature. Found in clusters of large, glossy green-and-black diamond shaped nuts, the inside of each husk has 3 jelly-like fruits, each with its own thin, rubbery peachy-brown skin.

Peeling this skin off needs nimble fingers and patience! But the result is worth it! Inside nestles clear, transparent, jelly-like flesh which is juicy and sweet and delightfully refreshing. Kind of like a super-sized litchee, without the pit (What can be better?!)

The flesh is hollow with a large-ish cavity - which, if you pick the fruit at the right time is filled with nectar-like juice!
Thank you, Mother Nature, for bestowing us with such jewels from your bounty when we most need them.


  1. yummy!!!! nothing like it ... its tadgola in konkani too :P

  2. yeah i love them too... plannin a tagdgola party sometime.... as.. omkar tadgole khanar... ani mi tadgole solanar.... hahaha

  3. No, lets make it - tu solnaar, ani Omkar ani me khanaar! :P


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