Monday, March 15, 2010

Quick-fix meals : Thai Green Curry and Rice

Of course, this is quick-fix only if you have Thai curry paste, ready-to-use coconut milk and pre-made (aka leftover) rice with you. :P
If you don't have the rice, it's still quick (how much time does cooking rice take?!) - but if you don't have the curry paste or cocunut milk, and intend to make it (recipes here and here )well, let's just say its a yummy meal instead. :P

But if you do have both, (and face it - only purists bother making Thai curry paste at home - and they aren't after quick meals, are they?), it is a boon for the overworked (and underpaid) professional struggling to maintain SOME work-life balance.

All you need to do is:

1. Chop random veggies (I used cauliflower florets, French beans, capsicum and potato) and throw them in a steamer (I made my owm steamer - steel sieving-pan over a pan of boiling water) , cover and steam for 5-7 minutes (till almost-cooked)
2. While the veggies are cooking away, heat a tablespoon of oil (any vegetable oil) in a wok
3. Add 1/2 a tablespoon of green curry paste and stir away for 2-3 minutes
4. Add 3/4ths of a cup of coconut milk (as much as you like, really) and stir away
5. Adjust the seasoning (salt and sugar - yes, the curry is to have a mild sweet taste along with the potent chilli-lemongrass-ginger kick)
6. Tumble in the veggies (and/or cooked chicken/raw prawns or fish/what have you) and simmer for another 2 minutes

You can now take it off the flame and pack the rice and curry in 2 separate containers for a delicious, sinus-clearing, flavoursome office lunch.

Else you can make life even easier and - (blasphemy!) throw in the rice with the curry, heat through and pack it up as a single dish.

Personally, I prefer the latter when carrying it to work as a packed lunch, because the benefits are two-fold:

1. One less lunch-box to carry (and wash up!)
2. The rice is tastier because of its long-ish soak in the curry

There you go - a simple meal-in-minutes which is hearty, yummy, inexpensive - and not the least of all, exotic enough to wow your colleagues. :P


  1. is it good?? where did u get it from?? i make red n green curry pastes at home.... i store them so its quick... u like thai food?? u must visit thai pavillion then... me n omkar r crazy for thai food...

  2. I liked the preparation! But it was hot!

  3. nice one urja! u can almost star in a movie urja and julia :-)

  4. @Archana - the paste is VERY godd, but it was given to me by someone returning from the US, so have no idea where you can get it here - though Godrej Nature's Basket is a good place to look. But making your own curry paste (with all those ingredients!) is awesome! :)
    @Vishwananth - thanks, I was a tad too generous with the curry paste, wasn't I? ;)
    @ Tilo - Thanks a ton, girl, after so many recos, now I gotta watch J&J! :)


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