Saturday, July 23, 2011

Restaurant Review: Candies, Pali Naka, Bandra-West

Life has a way of throwing awkward situations - where we'd rather not be, thankyouverymuch - which must be faced. For instance, a forced dinner with people you'd rather avoid. Or having to eat out when you're trying to stick to a diet. In such situations, in comes Candies to the rescue - the veritable knight in shining armour, astride a white horse. Really, you don't see such thoughtfulness among eateries these days....

Got people who grate on your nerves? Take them to Candies. Candies has that much-dreaded feature of the restaurant world - self service. And before you start picturing the military-like efficiency of McDonalds, stop. Right there. For Candies, while in theory, has a battery of order counters (with name tags of the staff manning them hanging from the ceiling in case you want to cozy up to any of them), the people who take orders themselves go and get the order ready. So more than half the time, the counters are left unmanned as impatient patrons wait for someone to come and take their order. There is a single cashier at the back, who is, at any given time, hounded by at least 4 of the counter staff for the change to be given back to the patrons. This further adds to the wait time. So, despite the menu largely comprising of ready-cooked meals which just need a quick re-heating in the microwave, the minimum order-processing time for any dish is 30 minutes. Of standing at the counter, shuffling your (in my case, considerable!) weight from one foot to another, while you gaze at the rolls, croissants, fried chicken, quiches, lasagne etc kept in the chiller case. Sigh.

But this is a blessing in disguise if you are with people who you'd prefer were far far away! Because either you can escape them by volunteering to get the food from the counter (30 glorious minutes away from the annoying dinner companions!), or better still, get THEM to get the get the picture. :D

Its Candies to the rescue!! (Sound of trumpets in the background)

Or if you're stuck in the difficult situation of having to eat out when you're on a diet - go to Candies. Apart from standing in the queue for at least half an hour for the main course (and another half hour for dessert - that is a separate counter!), which itself burns calories - Candies gives you the added exercise of having to revisit the counter 2-3 times to check on the progress of your order (if you make the mistake of ordering something that requires actual cooking). There go all the calories you will have piled on during the meal! :P

Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, its Candies!! (Sound of swoosh in the background)

All this is a shame - especially since the food is yummy (even if it is - or perhaps because it is!-not too calorie-conscious). The fish and chips, pasta, salad and sandwich that we sampled were all tasty. The red velvet cupcake and grape mini tart were fabulous. And the chocolate lava cake was scrumptious beyond words!

What's more, the prices aren't the burn-a-hole-in-your-pocket type either. Dishes start at INR 40 and go up to INR 150. Throw in a lovely ambience (terracota tile-topped tables, old-fashioned park benches, shrubbery outside), a salad bar (don't fool yourself - lots of mayo and salad cream on display) and a cool crowd (though leaning towards the teeny bopper variety), and you have a potential winner. In fact, the crowds that throng the place seem to think that Candies is already a winner.

Now, if only they hire some waitstaff to wait at the tables or order more staff to man the counters....till then, Candies will continue to remain one of the most considerate restaurants I have seen in recent times. :)


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